Alcatraz Part 1
The Rock. Otherwise known as Alcatraz Island,
or just Alcatraz. At one point a fort which guarded the entrance
to San Francisco Bay it's probably most famous as the maximum
security prison which held many of the worst offenders that were
in the federal penal system.
While waiting for the tour boat to dock I took a picture of the
seals which congregate on peir 39.
Bay bridge on the way to Alcatraz.
Golden Gate bridge on the way to Alcatraz.
First view of the Rock.

The boat docking at the entrance to Alcatraz.

All of us wandering around the cellblock doing the audio

These were the same cells from which the 3 prisoners
who escaped stayed (or supposedly escaped). If you look, you can
see the fake heads underneath the blankets.
Alcatraz has some spectacular views of San Francisco.
to go to see them all.